Masque coronavirus : tissu, AFNOR, chirurgical, où est-il obligatoire ?
fabric, Afnor standard, surgical blue masque de protection or white, fabric, "duckbill", 3 ply, washable or disposable... Wearing an insurance mask helps to limit the proliferation of the Covid-19 epidemic. It is now recommended for the fabulous open and mandatory, since May 11, in some public places, such as shops, public transport, at the doctor or hairdresser and for some callings. What's the point ? Where to get them ? Remark do it yourself with a benefactor ? In what sense put it and remark properly clean it ? Our advice.
The mask is used to prevent infection, such as influenza, Covid-19 or any other viral disease. But also to protect others if you are sick yourself. Thus, a person who has symptoms of respiratory infection or suspected of being sick can doorman a surgical mask to protect others from his symptoms (at home, in public places...). The mask can also be used against a background of preventing exposure to infection. It has a "barrier effect" that will prevent the entry of bacterial and viral particles. "The mode of transmission of the coronavirus is substantially the same as that of the flu, that is to say critical that it is transmitted from man to man during close contacts (touching or squeezing the standard principle example) and standard airway by coughing or sneezing (droplets of saliva, postillons)" says Pierre Parneix, medical hygienist and hospital practitioner in public health at the Chu of Bordeaux and head of the Support Center for the Prevention of contamination associated with care (cpias) of Nouvelle Aquitaine.. Unfortunately, wearing the mask is not a cultural practice in France unlike other countries such as Asia. "Instead of thanking people who sign vehicle masks they protect us from their infection, we tend to judge them as "dangerous". It's a respect that we really need to change ! Watchman a mask is still a very good reflex", continues our interlocutor. Released this Sunday, May 17, 2020, a standard study conducted by the University of Hong Kong confirmed watchman's interest in masks during the Covid-19 epidemic. "It is very clear that using masks on infected subjects [ ... ] is in addition to significant than anything else," said Professor Yuen Kwok-yung, a microbiologist who discovered SARS infection during the 2003 outbreak and head author of the study. We now know that a large part of the infected people do not have symptoms, so the Universal wearing of the mask is really significant." To show the effectiveness of the masks, scientists arranged a border in which were coronavirus-contaminated hamsters next to a border containing healthy hamsters. Surgical masks were placed between the two boundaries and air was expelled from the first boundary to the second boundary. Then the insurance masks were removed. Result :
In shops, wearing the mask is recommended for both staff and customers when Build distancing is not conceivable. A store may, if it deems it useful, impose the wearing of the mask on its customers. The wearing of the mask is particularly mandatory in style salons, says Franck Provost, hairdresser and president of the National Council of companies of haircut (CNEC) on RTL, to the ribald to see child appointment be canceled.
→ In transport
Since May 11, the beginning of deconfination, the wearing of the mask is mandatory in public public transport, for all users of 11 years and in addition, as well as for the work force in stations and in transport (train, transport, trams, metro, RER...), but also in the aircraft of the Air France Company. Child non-port in transport or in railway stations carries a fine of 135 euros. Surgical masks are distributed to all passengers at the station entrance during the first three weeks of deconfining, i.e. from 11 to 31 May. Then, surgical masks are available for sale in all the RATP network sales centers as well as in vending machines, at the price of 95 euro cents, a Bercy standard fixed rate.For users of the Metro, fabric masks are available at the counters and distributed to holders of the Navigo pass (subscription for the French Metro), an announced Valérie Pécresse, the president of the Ile-de-France region in an article of the JDD on May 3. Note that all drivers of transport, taxis and VTC when the vehicle does not arrange a plexiglas security glass. "People who want to take a VTC, a taxi or enter a station without a mask can be denied access," said the Secretary of State in charge of Transport Jean-Baptiste Djebbari on CNEWS.